Pregnant & Considering Adoption

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Current Activity

Five Things Never To Say To A Birthmother

Five Things Never To Say To A Birthmother

You probably say #3 all of the time without even realizing it!

Meet Waiting Families Hoping to Adopt

Meet Waiting Families Hoping to Adopt

View profiles of adoptive parents.

What is a Birthmother Retreat

What is a Birthmother Retreat?

Find support and a sense of community at this amazing annual event.

Parenting Versus Adoption

Parenting Versus Adoption

Ready? This may be the toughtest decision you will ever have to make.

Expert Voices

It’s a question that years ago, before becoming a birthmother, I never thought could be so painful. It’s just one of the many little things you don’t think about...

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Birthmother blogger, Activist, Cofounder of

It’s a question that years ago, before becoming a birthmother, I never thought could be so painful. It’s just one of the many little things you don’t think about...

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Birthmother blogger, Activist, Cofounder of

It’s a question that years ago, before becoming a birthmother, I never thought could be so painful. It’s just one of the many little things you don’t think about...

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Birthmother blogger, Activist, Cofounder of

It’s a question that years ago, before becoming a birthmother, I never thought could be so painful. It’s just one of the many little things you don’t think about...

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Birthmother blogger, Activist, Cofounder of